Genre: Puzzle
Release Year: 1996
Developer: Visual Science
Publisher: Psygnosis
Age Rating: Everyone
Playability Status: Perfect
Tested On: Windows 8 x64
Availability: Copyright retained - Out of print/unavailable
Lemmings Paintball, really? This little oddity came out in 1996 and disappeared into obscurity soon after. A curious isometric puzzle game, you’ll need to guide your lemmings around mazes to locate flags and paintball the opposition. While the cynics amongst you might well conclude that the Lemmings are simply in this game to cash in on the 1990’s craze, gamers who enjoyed other old school isometric shooters such as Cannon Fodder may find some fun with this title.
The game should install without any issues on a modern PC. Simply pop the CD-ROM into your computers optical drive and follow the on-screen prompts. If the games autorun window doesn’t appear automatically, browse to the CD in Computer/This PC and run the AUTORUN.EXE file manually. There were no patches released for the game that we could find, so once installed you can simply start playing.
Playing the game
No compatibility options are required for the game, simply start it from the Start menu or Start screen.
You will notice that the game runs in a window. Lemmings Paintball runs at 320×240 resolution. Full screen resolutions this low are no longer supported by modern versions of Windows, so if you try to put the game into full screen mode it will simply throw up an error. If you do want to play full screen, you can set your desktop to 640×480 resolution and then start the game. By doing this, the game appears to run full screen. To force your desktop into this resolution, follow the steps below. These steps should work in Windows 7 and Windows 8.
1) Right click on your desktop and choose “Screen Resolution” to open the Screen Resolution window.
2) On the window that now appears, choose “Advanced Settings” to open the Advanced Settings window.
3) Click on the button that says “List All Modes” to list all possible screen modes.
4) Scroll right to the top of this list to find “640 x 480, True Colour (32 bit), 60 Hertz”. If you can’t find that particular screen mode, it may be that your computer or graphics card does not support it. On the other hand, you may simply need to add it manually using your graphics cards software. Consult the documentation that came with your graphics software (for Nvidia cards, custom screen modes can be added in the Nvidia Control Panel, for instance).
5) Click on OK and your desktop will change resolution. Now, start Lemmings Paintball again and it should appear to run full-screen. When playing pseudo full screen like this, you may find the games menus are inaccessible. There’s nothing you really need to change in these menus anyway and when you’re done playing, you can quit the game by pressing ALT and F4 together.
Click on any screenshot to enlarge it
A lemmings paintball 2 would be great.