
Titanic: Adventure Out of Time

Genre: Adventure
Release Year: 1996
Developer: Cyberflix
Publisher: Europress
Age Rating: Parental Advisory
Playability Status: Perfect
Tested On: Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8 x64
Availability: Copyright retained - Still sold

The enduring legacy of the Titanic disaster continues to inspire popular culture to this day. In 1996, Cyberflix Incorporated decided that PC gamers would like the opportunity to look around a virtual recreation of the ship. CD-ROM technology was new and exciting and many companies took advantage of the format to store large multimedia files that would have been impossible to store on the outdated magnetic media that came before. While looking around the doomed ship and talking to its crew and passengers is fun and even educational, Titanic: Adventure Out of Time also gives you the opportunity to play a whole adventure game based around the luxury liner and it’s ill fated maiden voyage. Perhaps you can go back in time and change the fate of the ship, saving lives and thus preventing James Cameron from ever making the Titanic movie? Surely that has to be worth a shot? (Yes we were kidding, we love the adventures of Jack and Rose really).


Titanic uses a 16 bit installation program, meaning that it won’t install on 64 bit versions of Windows at all. To help with this problem, we’ve prepared a replacement installer that will copy over the required files from the CD-ROM. The installer will also set up the required registry keys, install the very latest patches and configure the game for optimal settings. Since the games configuration utility is 16 bit only too, there is no way to change these options other than manually setting some registry keys, which our installer takes care of.

32 bit Windows users can use the installer on the CD, but may still prefer to use our updated installer since the original installer seems to want to overwrite various DirectX files that shouldn’t normally be tampered with.

You can download the replacement installer here (link broken? Let me know here). Note that there are several versions of Titanic: Adventure Out of Time. If the installer does not work for your version, please leave a comment and let us know, leaving as much detail about your copy of the game as you can.

Playing the game

On many systems, the game should now run and play correctly. Titanic is a very old game however and before you sink any time into playing it you should check that everything is running correctly. One of the easiest ways to do this is to go into Tour mode and approach your steward at the door to your cabin. The image should look like the one shown below (click the image to see a bigger version):-


If your image looks like the one above, you can start your adventure. If there are strange colours (for instance a streak of black over the stewards shirt) then proceed to the troubleshooting section.


If you have problems getting the game to run correctly, if half the display is cut off or the games colours appear incorrectly, try any or all of the following options:-

Make sure that any program which sends pop-up notifications is disabled. This includes e-mail, social networking, IM programs or anything that pops up a message on the screen.

Install the game with our custom installer and use the “Titanic – Adventure out of Time (Alt launch method)” shortcut to start the game. This will shut down Windows Explorer completely before starting the game, which often cures the strange colours problem.

Use the compatibility mode settings and turn on the following options. You may need to try different combinations of options depending on your system:-

Run in 256 colours (or Reduced colour mode)
Run in 640×480 resolution
Disable visual themes

Do not use the “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” option, as that may stop the game working altogether.

Finally, some users have reported that using a CD emulation tool such as Daemon Tools or Alcohol 52% and mounting both the games CD images before starting to play actually improves compatibility. See the notes below for more information on this.

Other notes for a smoother voyage

The game requires you to insert the second CD-ROM shortly after starting it. If you have two optical drives, you can put the second CD-ROM in your second optical drive and run the game without any disc swapping. Advanced users can also make CD images from their game discs and use a CD emulation tool like Alcohol 52% or Daemon Tools to play the game. On some systems, doing this seems to improve compatibility. If you have never used a CD emulation tool before, see these tutorials on how to set up and use the free CD/DVD emulation suite Alcohol 52%.

You can download additional files for the Titanic tour by visiting this page.

There is a dedicated fan-blog for the game that you can set sail for by clicking this link. Here you will find tips, walkthroughs, cheats and other media and that’s just the tip of the iceberg (sorry, couldn’t resist).


  1. Dani Massaro says:

    You are awesome. I thought I was going to have to install a virtual operating system to get this game to work on Windows 8. Thank God I saw this post before I did!

  2. Amelia Dore says:

    There’s an Error 404 when I try to download the replacement installer :(

    • BuckoA51 says:

      Seems we have some gremlins left in the system from when we moved over to our new, faster hosts. For some reason the installer did not copy over with the rest of the site content. I’ve fixed it for you and it should download just fine now.

  3. john says:

    Quick question on the compatibility mode options…(still having trouble with the color)

    If I right click on the shortcut that appears after installation for the Alt Launch mode, go to properties>>compatibility, is this where I need to be to change the settings?

    I believe I’ve tried every combination of the three settings discussed above, and I cant get the colors to work. Thinking maybe I’m in the wrong place to change these settings…

    • BuckoA51 says:

      In the programs folder there is a file called TI.exe, that’s the actual game executable. If you set the compatibility options on that then you can be sure they are getting used correctly. Let me know how you get on.

      • john says:

        Thanks for your quick response. I cleared the settings I had set on the shortcut, and cycled through different combinations under the program file as you suggested. Still no luck. Seems like I am not destined to play. Thanks again for your help though.

        • BuckoA51 says:

          Which version of Windows are you running? Have you tried “Disable desktop composition” too?

          • john says:

            Windows 7, 64 bit

          • john says:

            Any advice?

          • john says:

            Yes, as well as the last option (the description escapes me). None of the combinations I try seem to make any difference, the colors all look the same.

            Another thing of note, when I have to switch to disk 2, the screen minimizes and I have to click on the “resume titanic” (or something to that effect) button. Perhaps the minimizing and re-opening is causing the problem?

            All popups and other programs are closed.

            • BuckoA51 says:

              Might be that you have a different edition of the game from the one we tested. Give me a few days I’ll test it again on Windows 7 see what settings I used. You could also make a CD image or one or both of your Titanic CD’s then use a program like Daemon Tools to avoid having to do the disk swap.

          • john says:

            Ok, thanks.

      • john says:

        Hey, just wanted to let you know, I got it working!

        I used daemon tools and mounted the second disk to a virtual hardrive, and it ran perfectly. I had pretty much no idea what I was doing, but miraculously it worked.

        Thanks for all your advice, off to play!

        • BuckoA51 says:

          Ah, that actually makes sense as that is how I tested it on my Windows 7 machine. It must be the little box that pops up asking for the second disk is causing the colours to go kaput again. Well worked out John, I’ll have to get some Daemon Tools tutorials done.

  4. jamie says:

    Hi. I found the game on this website *SNIP – Illegal download sites not allowed here* but the keys won’t work so i can’t move around. I’ve tried the game settings and everything but the keys still won’t work in the game! any ideas?

  5. jordan wilburn says:

    I recieved the Titanic Adventure Out of Time yesterday off of an Ebay order. I bought the Windows and Macintosh version which also says next to it accelerated for Power Macintosh. The reason I ordered the Hybrid version is because I have a Mac Pro with the most recent operating system of Mac OSX. I thought I would be able to just insert the disc in my Mac and install and poof begin playing, but of course it can never be that easy!! However when I insert the disc it does bring up the many folders included for the game. The read me folder tells me to copy the install folder to my Macs hard drive which I did then after doing so I go to the install folder and click on the standard Mac icon for the set up package, but when I do so it just says its unable to perform operation. Any suggestions on what to do, or is it even possible to plsy this game on a new Mac?? Also after having no luck with my Mac I found my wifes old HP computer which runs windows XP. When I put in the disc to my old PC it does nothing doesnt bring up folders oor anything. So then I ran your replacement installer which then told me to insert disc one of Titanic, so I did so but after putting in disc it just continues to say can’t find Titanic in your disc drive. Any tips for what might be causing this?? What can I do? Does it not work on my old PC because it is the Hybrid version of the game, so it doesn’t allow the replacement installer to work correctly? I also just found out my sister found my original Titanic Adventure game at the ouse which is just the original PC only version. Would I have better luck trying the original version on my old PC instead of the Hybrid one I ordered?? I love this game. It is my all time favorite, so any advice would be awesome!!

    • BuckoA51 says:

      Don’t know a lot about Macs but I don’t think it’s been possible to run any PowerPC/PowerMac software on new macs for a while now.

      As for XP, you should be able to install there even without the replacement installer. If the installer is saying that then it doesn’t recognise the disc as Titanic at all, meaning it must be significantly different to the one we tested I’m afraid.

  6. Jonas Hu says:

    Hello! Just wanted to thank you guys a lot for making this possible. Haven’t played this game since 1998, and back then the game was bugged, so the time would stand still and I wasn’t able to complete it. I just downloaded the replacement installer and it worked like a charm! So, thank you again and have a happy new year!;)

  7. Staci says:

    Windows 8, Dell Inspirion 15. WORKS PERFECTLY! I cant thank you enough. Fav game of all time!

    • Betty says:

      Hello Staci,
      I am a great fan of The Titanic and have missed it terribly. I saw your comment and became interested. Does the original game disc(s) play on your Dell Inspiron?
      Sincerely Betty

  8. Maria says:

    Thank you thank you thank you….I had tried every avenue, tweaking this, adjusting that, and stumbled across this patch on accident! Thank you for Google and thank you so much for posting this!! I can run this on Windows 8.1 and I am so stoked! Favorite PC game of all time and being a Titanic historian I love the fact that you can tweak with history..if only or what if right?? I do have one question regarding another old pc game..have you ever heard of Silent Steel and Cyberia? I have looked relentlessly for you know if you can find them. Please email me..thank you again!! Made this 30 year old feel like I’m 15 again (without all of the high school drama LOL)

  9. Amy says:

    I am trying to run it on Windows 7 (64-bit). I was able to get the replacement installer to run, but unfortunately the game will not launch. I’ve tried the regular launch icon and the alt one, but in both cases it just takes me to a blank screen but nothing ever happens. Sometimes when I escape out of the black screen, there’s a message that it has to run with 256 color, 640×480, but I’ve tried all different combinations of the compatibility options with no luck. Any ideas?

    • BuckoA51 says:

      Can you give us some details about your computer, graphics card model in particular?

      • Amy says:

        The graphics card is ATI radeon HD 4200. I don’t know if this is part of the problem or not, but I also noticed that I’m not able to play the Tour files at all either. When I trid to run them in Media Player, I was getting “The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file.” I installed a codec pack that was supposed to make it possible to play MOV files in media player, but now I’m just getting a generic error “Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file.”

        • BuckoA51 says:

          Can you select 640×480 resolution using the ATI control panel and then try running the game?

          • Amy says:

            It doesn’t look like that’s an option. The lowest it will let me go is 800×600. I tried it with that setting, but no luck.

            • BuckoA51 says:

              Try manually creating the 640×480 resolution using your graphics cards software if possible.

              • Amy says:

                I don’t see a way to do that in the graphics software. I tried going through the advanced settings in the Windows Control Panel and tried listing all the possible modes. There are modes listed that use 640×480 resolution, but none that have that resolution with 256 color (640×480 is listed with 16- and 32-bit options only, and the lowest resolution I could find for 256 color is 1182×864). I tried 640×480 with 16-bit color and it did change my resolution, but it still wouldn’t play the game. Oh well. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.

                • BuckoA51 says:

                  If your monitor can physically display 640×480 resolution then I’m pretty much out of ideas at this point. Have you installed codec packs or anything weird like that (I don’t know if that would affect it, just guessing).

  10. Frank says:

    Thanks so much, now i don’t have to go through the trouble of a virtual machine!
    just curious though, could you guys do a thing for cyberflix’s Dust : the wired west, too?

  11. Tim Trewartha says:

    This is great thanks, except I have a strange problem where upon exiting from the Grand Staircase on Boat Deck level (by Gymnasium) when I exit I go to A-Deck instead of Boat Deck. If I go back through the same door I’m still on A-Deck so it basically jumps a floor. Anyone else have this?

  12. Jason Tiller says:

    Thank you so very much for this! I haven’t played this game in a long time and it’s just awesome to be able to play it on my laptop which is running Windows 7 64 bit. And to think I was just about to download a virtual machine, when I saw this link on the Titanic Adventure Out of Time fan blog site. Thank you again!!!

  13. Dennis says:

    Thanks for uploading this. I installed onto an XP VM and ran into some lag issues when walking around.

    I’m noticing an issue with the audio though. If theres an NPC that talks to you without the option of selecting a reply (if you start a new game, try to go on the bridge and/or talk to officer Morrow. The audio tracks will cut off and close out of the dialog. Anyone else run into this? I tried the compatibility settings with no luck.

    • Dennis says:

      As a follow up, here is some additional information as well as an example of what’s happening.

      I installed on Windows 7 64bit using my CD’s (its the accelerated version). The install went great using your installer (didn’t receive any errors).

      I have to use the Alt Launch Method in order for the game to open. If I use the standard launch, I cant see anything (though the audio is playing correctly). I tried several compatibility changes, however nothing worked. The Alt method starts the game up fine and everything looks correct.

      My system specs are as follows:

      Intel i5 3570k, NVIDIA GTX 780Ti, 16GB Ram, Z77 Extreme 6 Mobo (audio through the Mobo), Samsung SSD

      Here is a link to a video of the audio glitch:

      As I stated before, if you interact with an NPC that doesn’t give you a reply choice, they skip through the dialog really fast.

      Any thoughts?

      • BuckoA51 says:

        Anyone else seeing this (or hearing this as I perhaps should say)?

      • BuckoA51 says:

        I’m not getting the same audio glitch here on Windows 8, it would surprise me if it was a Windows 7 problem, though Microsoft have changed the Directdraw legacy emulation significantly in Windows 8. Ever so occasionally when I play a tiny bit of the stewards speech will be clipped, but nothing like shown in the Youtube clip. As a workaround, try turning on subtitles. This seemed to fix the clipped audio for me, at the very least this will let you read exactly what the character should say.

  14. Freddie says:

    I’m getting the audio glitch, as well as not all graphics always rendering. Things like talking to people will only render a block around their head and black for everything else, and the life preserver menu won’t always show up unless I click in that area. Windows 7 x64. I also think I have a Dust ISO floating around on one of my harddrives, if you still need one to take a shot at an installer for that.

    • BuckoA51 says:

      Freddie, are you using Daemon Tools/Alcohol to mount both CD images before starting the game?

      • Freddie says:

        Yes, both images are mounted to virtual drives. Same behavior in both launchers, and regardless of compatibility settings.

        • BuckoA51 says:

          Try something for me if you can. 1) Download the Qres utility from this page

          2) Unpack QRes.exe and put it in the Titanic game folder.

          3) Edit the file “LaunchTitanic.bat” and add the following line AFTER the “taskkill” line

          QRes.exe /x:640 /y:480 /c:8

          4) Save the file and run Titanic again with the alt launch method, any better?

          • Freddie says:

            It seems to glitch and then jump out immediately now, though I only tried for a few minutes. A consistent example however is when you ask Trask to do a reading of something, the screen goes entirely black besides the cursor – you have to fish around for the ok button to get out of it.

            How do I kill that command after exiting the game? I’m stuck in 640×480 currently.

            • BuckoA51 says:

              Right click on the desktop and choose “Screen Resolution” to reset your resolution.

              No idea why it won’t work for you sorry, it’s working just fine here and I’m out of ideas.

  15. Julie says:

    Do I have to have the CD first? I tried that one link and it keeps telling me that it can’t find disk 1….

  16. peepster1005 says:

    Works perfectly! Thanks a ton for this. I’ve been wanting to play this game for ages, and now I can!

    However, I do run into one problem with a very easy fix. When I start the game, it usually takes a while to load all the visual stuff (things won’t appear until you actually click it, the colors won’t quite display right, etc.) But like I said, there is an easy fix to it all. I click the Life Preserver which brings up the games Control Panel. I click ‘Open’ and the explorer box appears to allow me to select a game file. I just click ‘Cancel’, and when it brings me back to the game, everything is displayed perfectly. That is literally the only problem I’ve had with it all so far, so needless to say that I’m quite impressed with the installer.

    So, yeah, thanks again! Works extremely great and I intend on using it quite often.

  17. A Man says:

    It doesn’t work.

    I downloaded the installer, installed the game and tried both of the launchers.

    It tries to load and says the following: Fatal error at line 4294 (code 0)

    I am using the version of the game with 2 discs.

  18. Matt says:

    Bucko, it would mean the world to my girlfriend if she could play this (supposedly incredible) game again. On Win7 64, we’re not able to get sound working or see anything on the screen until that object moves or is interacted with. This means every time we get to a new room, we have to press an arrow to see the room instead of nothing (black), and more importantly we can’t hear the dialog or see our options for responding to characters. I have each disc mounted as an ISO on virtual drives. Do you have any ideas? Going to try on my laptop (Win8) tonight.

    • BuckoA51 says:

      Using the Alt launch method usually cures the graphical corruption. I’ve never heard of anyone having issues with the sound. Check peepster1005’s comment above too for a possible graphics fix.

      • Matt says:

        I’m dumb: the alt launch solved my graphics problem, allowing me to see that the volume was minimized in the control panel for the game! The alt launch crashed the very first time I tried to run the program (before setting compatibility correctly) and I just never tried it afterwards. Hopefully this post saves somebody my grief!

  19. Blake says:

    Hello, I’m trying to install this game on my Windows XP Parallel Desktop on my Mac. I’m using an external USB Memorex disc drive and when I put the disc in it doesn’t seem to appear. Is there any way to install this on Parallel Desktop?

  20. tctc1818 says:

    hey i couldnt get the driver to install. it just directly goes to download the game and says that you need the cd etc.

    please help. im new to pc gaming, but remember this game from when i was a kid

  21. boc says:

    Thanx for all the help provided to start this wonderful game. The installer did the job and everything is fine, except from one strange problem I came by from the very beginning. The key for the trunk in my cabin didn’t work (drag and drop of course) and I thought I could go on with the game, which is not possible. I suppose this is a problem for all the items in my inventory, so i would be grateful if you could help.

    P.s. Really nice website keep up the good work for other games too

    • Tim Trewartha says:

      I’m not sure what’s causing that error but I think there may be an alternative to get the message about the Rubaiyat. Get the pipe from the parisien cafe, ask Trask to do a reading of it, then go to the Turkish bath. Switch the tap on, leave it running and make sure the light is on i think. Then a message appears on the mirror which will unlock the next stage (getting the Rubaiyat). Good luck!

  22. Kyle B says:

    Thanks so much for this! I’m running this on Windows 8, and it all works great until I ask a character to do something (e.g. Trask to do a reading), at which point the screen goes black and all I can hear is the music playing. Any advice?

    • Kimmy says:

      Did you ever find a fix for this? I’m having the same issue and I don’t know what to do! I’m playing on Windows 10…

  23. WZ says:

    Thanks so much for the Win 7 64bit installer. Followed your excellent instructions and it worked great! Thanks for your time & work putting this together.

    I just noticed that Microsoft has a Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel tool download now, which allows mounting disc ISO files…

    I haven’t tried it yet. They say is included in Win 8 (but Win 8 totally sucks for gamers who play a variety, and is generally unfriendly to other older software, so I’m sticking with 7 Prof).

    • BuckoA51 says:

      Yes there’s some basic ISO mounting software included in Windows 8. Apart from a few exceptions, Windows 8 is just fine for older games and in fact we’ve had less problems with this particular game under Windows 8 than Windows 7.

      • Tim says:

        Yeah in my case the installer works perfectly for Windows 8 but I can’t for the life of me get the game to work on 7 Ultimate. Still a great tool, many thanks.

  24. Jamie says:

    I ran the game using the Alt Launch and the beginning plays perfectly while I’m in London, but when it asks me to put in disc 2 the game shuts down completely and I am not able to get it back. It takes me back to the desk top. Help!

  25. Ric says:

    Thanks for making this replacement installer, it works great on my computer. =)

    The only problem I have is that I can’t get the game to Save. Is there any way of getting it to? It’s because I only have the time to play it for an hour or so at a time, and I don’t want to have to start from the beginning again.

  26. Tom says:

    Hey, I believe have version 1.0 and when I run this installer it installs but as soon as I get to where the “Insert 2nd Disc” option usually is, it give me a “Scripting Error”. I am not sure what that means or what to do.

  27. Toby says:

    Hi there,
    desperately wanting to play titanic; adventure out of time, as is a game from my childhood. However im confused as to how this works, do i need the original discs?
    Can i not download a version and play on my windows 8?
    Many thanks

  28. Linda says:

    I installed, but it never asked me to insert disc 2. I was able to open the game

  29. Josh says:

    it works but it crashes everytime maxs take me to zetital help?!?!?!?

  30. Adam Beals says:

    Hello. The installer worked fine and the game runs fine but there is a sound issue. I have Windows 8.1 and the sound stutters every 10 seconds or so and persistently.

  31. Angela says:

    The game seems to run fine but there is no audio. I have Win8

  32. Paul says:

    Where is the download link to this game..I only found guides..I need the game.

  33. Grant says:

    Hey, I know this is a late comment compared to the post date, but I’m having trouble with the second disc. I can’t seem to get that disc to run when I put it in. When it was working (after I finished the disc 1 sequence), I couldn’t view anything from the “options” screen. It was all black, and little things appeared once I clicked on them. I have a Dell Latitude and I’m using Windows 8.

  34. Jess says:

    I’ve tried all of the compatibility changes and I continue to get a black screen until I use the movement keys. When clicking on the radio it just goes black and then I am unable to do anything after that? Any ideas?

  35. andrew says:

    any digital copies of this available to buy?
    my laptop doesn’t have a dvd drive.

  36. JB says:

    Hi, I installed your installer and it works great. Seems like the only issue I have is that the game doesn’t full shut down when you Quit. In the game you flip that lever to Quit then it will prompt you if you are sure you want to quit. You say yes and it will take you back to your desktop but in the upper left corner there is a black screen and a notepad (that program that you type stuff in tho make the program run) in black. I forget exactly what the notepad says but it’s not much and at the end it says something like game has been terminated. I guess meaning that you quit it but it not fully shutting down. The notepad you can close but the black screen that takes up about a quarter of the monitor won’t go away. Also the taskbar and desktop icons are gone and you can right click on the screen anywhere, nothing happens. Only thing I could do is bring up TaskManager and shut down Titanic. It says it’s not responding so you have to force shutdown of game. That will remove the black screen but your desktop is still frozen in a way. Only way I could fix that is to CTL+ALT+DEL and log off then back on to my account or shutdown comp. Then you desktop comes back. I had to Run in XP sp3 mode and I clicked Run in 256 Colors, Run in 640×480, disable visual and I tried disable desktop comp though I’m not sure what that does. I have Win 7 Ultimate. Do you know why the game isn’t fully shutting down when you end?

    • BuckoA51 says:

      It’s an old game doing weird things that’s all I can tell you!

      • JB says:

        Yeah, that’s alright. On my Win 7 Ultimate it’s nice that I can get it to play. I haven’t played the whole thing so who knows if I’ll run into a glitch later on. With all these different OS’s and video cards combos who knows why some people have problems installing or playing the game. Like a previous commenter said it would be nice if they would re-release the game. I think the only thing I would want improved is the graphics. You can probably make the audio HD and some how turn the graphics in the game into todays graphics. I think only a game maker would be able to do that and that would take a lot of time so you probably won’t find one willing to do that and if they did they couldn’t distribute it because of copyright. Imagine walking through the Titanic in todays graphics. That would be cool.

  37. Mabel says:

    I have Win 7 Home, 64-bit. I’m going to try your suggestions–my XP computer still works, but it’s MEGA SLOW. I’m not quite tech-savvy enough to set up a virtual system and there isn’t anyone here who can do it without holding my computer hostage for a fortnight.

    This is my favorite game ever. I keep checking GoG for it, but I guess the copyright is still hung up. If I knew who to email, I would bug them to re-release it!

  38. Lionhart says:

    Hey! Ive got another mystery for you. It’s relevant to this game cuz ive tested it on others and they work fine. Now, my game works just fine normally, thanks to this awesome fix guide. (thanks for that!) However, i now wish to to share the experience with my friends. So I tried to screen share on skype with them. However, all they could see was distorted green and black colors, barely making out the actual image at all. Now, im pretty sure this isnt skype, as ive run tests. For example, I then tried Sonic R afterwords and there was no color distortion. I have a screen shot of the distortion if it helps at all. I’d like to share this old game with my friends, if only they can see it right…do you know how it could be fixed? Ive seen some maybe fixes as they tell you to adjust the settings of your graphics card, however the game has no problem when its just me playing. Also, i do not see the distortion on my side ever. Again, this doesnt happen with other similarly old games, such as Sonic R.

  39. Charlie says:

    I installed Titanic with your installer (Thank you so much!) on my new HP with Windows 10 already installed. After I used both discs in two cd drives at the same time, told the computer to take “no action” on what to do with the cd and right clicked on the shortcut to start the game to troubleshoot compability mode, it runs perfectly. It ran it in Compatibility to Windows XP, SP 3. Without those steps it would crash. Compability mode also worked for the X-files game from 1998.

  40. The Wanderer says:

    I am playing this game on Windows 8.1 and there is a glitch where the next line of dialog will play and cut off the last couple of words of the previous line of dialog. It really breaks the immersion and sometimes ruins a line I remember as being one of my favorites. Has anybody else had this problem and is there a way to fix it?

  41. Jeff Hall says:

    Is the link broken to download? I tried two machines and I get a 403 Permission Denied.

    Thanks for the help.

  42. Cody says:

    I am experiencing an odd glitch.

    whenever I prompt an inventory item selection
    via special dialogue (leave something with the purser,
    ask Trask for a reading) the screen goes black, and stays that way.

    The music keeps playing..but, the game just freezes.

    (I am using a Win7, upgrade to Win10)

    • The Wanderer says:

      The same thing happens to me. Simply memorize where at least one item is; once you click on one item that item lights up and becomes visible. Then you can figure out where everything else is. That is all I can do at this point.

      • Cody says:

        no,that Isn’t going to work.
        when I click the dialogue selection that prompts inventory selection,
        the screen goes black as If It is loading, and stays that way.

        I never see the inventory.
        so, memorizing where itens are is pointless.

      • Cody says:

        I am beginning to think It may have something to do with the Disk.
        as I vaguely recall similar loading problems waaay back when I played the game on Win98.

        I’ll try purchases a newer version of the game via Amazon,
        and, see if the same things happens.

        see, my disk is the original ’96 copy.
        and, as far a sold games go..It’s OLD.

      • Cody says:

        Okay, nevermind. I see what you mean.

        I have actually found a way around this glitch.
        If you already have your desired item selected/out
        whenever you dialogue prompt, It will already be highlighted when the screen goes black.

        After that, what you REALLY need to memorize is where the [OKAY] button is.

        Hope this helps you.

  43. The Wanderer says:

    I asked this question but got no reply. So here goes again:

    I am playing this game on Windows 8.1 and there is a glitch where the next line of dialog will play and cut off the last couple of words of the previous line of dialog. It really breaks the immersion and sometimes ruins a line I remember as being one of my favorites. Has anybody else had this problem and is there a way to fix it?

    • BuckoA51 says:

      A solution was suggested above, try turning on subtitles. This seemed to fix the clipped audio for me, at the very least this will let you read exactly what the character should say.

  44. Cody says:

    Since you’ve succeeded on bringing TAOOT
    back to life on modern computer systems,

    I am curious if you’ve done the same
    with the demo disk “Titanic: The Lost Mission.”

  45. Joe Eckstein says:

    First off whoever made this Alt for newer systems is awesome. I picked this game up for my wife cause she was always talking about wanting to play it again and i finally found it.

    We are having an issue where our Ti.EXE will randomly stop working. It doesn’t seem to be triggered by any one thing.

    We’re using a windows 10 laptop with an external usd dvd driver

  46. Bill Carey says:

    Brilliant. I had been running this in a virtual system, with major problems. This seems SO much better. Thank you!

  47. Steve says:

    Well, I gave it a shot. I can say that Titanic now runs about as well as it did on Windows 95 when it was brand-new. And unfortunately that’s bad news. Very bad. Basically it means about 5 minutes of gameplay before the game decides to pack it in and leave you with a frozen screen. Which is about the way it ran back in 1996 on the Windows computers it was designed for, so I’m sure its failure is no fault of the replacement installer. It’s worth noting that in my years of experience, Windows Compatibility Mode has NEVER had any appreciable affect on any of the many games I’ve tried to use it on. However, the game does run pretty well on the circa 2000 MacIntosh computers using OS10.

    • BuckoA51 says:

      I’ve definitely played more than 5 minutes without such problems.

      • Steve says:

        I figured out what my problem on Windows was–I wasn’t using the Alt Launch method LOL! The game runs just fine now; the only glitch that still exists is that the Boat Deck Grand Staircase foyer drops you off on A-Deck instead–but I can easily live with that. Many thanks for the program!!

  48. Ron Walser says:

    First of all thank you for your effort on this project. Am trying to get it running on my Windows 10 laptop so my now 21 year old granddaughter can revisit her favorite childhood game.

    Downloaded your patch and launched from desktop after inserting disc 1. Beginning scene and audio works but it never gets to the place where the bomb drops and you’re asked to put in disc 2. Any ideas?

  49. Glen Barnett says:

    Hello. I just wanted to say that I was so excited to find this page. This game was one I played a lot in my childhood and I was so upset when it stopped working on my new computer.
    I downloaded your program and it works amazing. I am so stoked to be able to play this game again. Don’t know why I love it so much, but a massive thank you for your effort.

  50. Ron Walser says:

    After installing the link and starting the program from my original disc, the first walk around scene played perfectly. But after the “crash” and the message to insert disc 2, I got nothing.

    Any suggestions?

  51. Robert says:

    Wow! You guys just make sure you check your stuff before you download and you will be amazed! THANKS SO MUCH WHOEVER MADE THIS! I am on Windows 10 64 bit and the game works like a charm,I cannot believe it I love the developer! (: I recommend to anyone wanting to play some good old windows 95 Titanic!

  52. Drifter Boyd says:

    God i loved playing this game when i was young, so i re-bought it. Problem is, Yes this works perfectly, however.. it kills your Win-Explorer in order to run the game, and i have ran through a LOT of trouble, even creating a Batch\Script to restart Explorer, and i can not get it to pop back up.
    Task manager, Run, Explorer,
    Win, sys32, explorer,
    system batch script,
    nothing, seems to work at all >.< is there some fix i can do other than Restart my computer every single time i want to play this game.. thats a bit annoying.
    BTW, sys is Win 7 64bit

  53. William Hurley says:

    I am still struggling with getting the game to run, I am trying to run it on a toshiba satellite C-50-B-189. The processor is a celeron, and it has 4GB of ram, and it uses windows 10. the game is on a disk, but I don’t know enough about what I’m looking at to tell anymore, (but if you tell me what I am looking at, i.e. name of whatever it is and units of measurements then I am sure I’ll be able to put it up).

    • Charlie says:

      Hi….I finally just used a windows xp computer and made sure the Quicktime on the computer was not newer than that required by the game. I believe you can also do this on other computers/windows by making sure of the quicktime version. My windows 10 new laptop could play it but I have the x-files game on it which required a newer quicktime that won’t work for Titanic but for a while I had it on it. (played in compatibility mode for windows xp sp 3) Had to take it off when I installed x-files and then that wouldn’t work properly. Hope this helps. I still use the Installer from this site on my Windows 7 computer.

  54. JOAO says:

    Hello. For the last two years Ive been playing this game with another Installer that this website used to offer. Where is it?? Thats not the old installer, which worked perfectly.

  55. Kim says:

    Love this game, have played it so many times back in the day! Glad to get my hands on it again. Unfortunately with W10, there’s errors, but with this I managed to install the game and had it run. Though, whenever I check something into the purser, or attempt to have a reading done screen always goes black. Has anyone else had this problem? I’ve used this before with no problems, but now, it seems the game is not playable. Any help would be appreciated!

    • The Wanderer says:

      I have this problem as well; the game is still going, if you know where the item you want is in the bag you can click on it and it appears. I have had to memorize where all the items are stored and where the buttons/magnifying glass is. As far as fixing it, I have no idea. I and others have posted here but nobody else seems to know either. I am on Window’s 8.1. I hope this helps and that somebody finds a way to fix it soon. Merry Christmas!

  56. Annie says:

    Hi. I followed the link and downloaded the installer. It kind of worked in that I could hear everything and sometimes the picture would be there but it was mostly black or not clear. I couldn’t read the response options as they were distorted. I have the Titanic adventure out of time game that is the hybrid windows and macintosh version and my laptop has Windows 7. I also attempted to save the game but when I put the second disc in, it always pops open and wants me to insert the first disc. Is there a way to start a saved game by putting just the second disc in or do I always have to put in the first one? Thank you for your help.

    • BuckoA51 says:

      Did you try using the “Titanic – Adventure out of Time (Alt launch method)” shortcut? As for the CDs, you can use a tool like Daemon tools to make a disc image and mount them to virtual drives.

  57. Dave says:

    I am running XP. I used your installer and actually got the game to install. When I start by either the regular launch or alt-launch and go to tour, I get to the stateroom. Then, I get a script error box. It asks if I want to ignore. I say yes, and the screen goes black. Thanks

  58. Dave says:

    Just a little more info on what I’ve done. I keep getting the error that says “A scripting error has occured. Choose Yes to try ignoring the error, or No to quit. [File already open].” This is the exact error message. It occurs when disc 1 would normally eject and you would have to put in disc 2. I mounted both discs as .iso images, but I still get this same error when it would normally switch over to the second disc.

  59. SortingHat says:

    This (and other games) were back when PC’s were seen as tools. Dad got me using the Commodore 64 at a young age and I played a lot of *edutainment* games and I can safely say ANYTHING is better then Reader Rabbit. Why schools were stuck on it I’ll never know.

    Smartphones are “Not PC’s in your pocket’ and are a sad mistake to society though I am not against portable phones as for calling/receiving messages but to make them go on the internet is a HUGE drain on the internet and THAT is the real reason companies (web) companies have resorted to throttling instead of fixing infrastructure.

    Sure smartphones have some computer components but it’s as much of a computer as your car is a Ferrari. I certaintely wonht try to stop you though from having fun pretending.

    The purpose of games like this and other kinds like Carmen Sandiego/Logical Journey Of The Zoombinis was to be a teaching tool using computers in conjunction of lessons but the big bite was these games didn’t have any way to tailor to teachers. No way to customize anything for individual learning needs.

    As a result schools said “Fuggitaboutit” and left computers as reward time for being good which isn’t enough to teach any useful skills.

    Microsoft thinks that computers are game machines and sadly FPS ones at that.

  60. SortingHat says:

    Console games are fun once but are a pretty much of a time waster and sadly computers since the Windows 7 era are now glorified console machines instead of seen as as tool. What’s little that’s out there is mostly subscription based too so we were not pleased with 10 and only have 8.1 cause we have too.

    I have Windows 7 with updates turned off and that is what makes 7 so unstable as MS wants to brick older machines to force you to update it. It’s not a conspiracy theory they said they want to force people to get 10 regardless if they wanted it or not.

    You have to pretty much have an expensive I-mac for 1,500$ minimum if you don’t want a crappy one to have any power tools for your computer if yo ur a power user not just a consumer.

    So much 32 bit/16 software needs to be remade for modern computers not just patched over but actually remade to run on modern processing. What happens is when going over to 64 bit is a lot of lines of programming gets altered or lost so games look for addresess that are no longer there.

    There was a similar problem going from 16 bit to 32 bit but it wasn’t as severe and XP allowed a lot of compatibility with 16 bit software as long as you had Sound Blaster installed. One of the Sound Blasters at the time even emulated SB16 for really old legacy software.

  61. Mark says:

    Hi Ive tried to instal the installer but whenever i click on titanic adventure out of time it simply says fatal error in a box with a red x on it and a black background, a series of black boxes then come up on my screen that says titanic adventure out of time as their title and ive tried the alt launch method it just appears the same and I was wondering is there somthing I’m doing wrong or a solution you would know to this

  62. Michael says:

    Please note that the fanblog and the additional tour guide downloads website are now defunct.

  63. bunnyman says:

    is this site still running …..have a q regarding running this game on windows 7?

  64. Martina says:

    The installer worked on windos 7. Now I’ve played the game I uninstalled it but when I wanted to play some of my other (older) games, they are displayed within a minimized frame. I think that must have something to do with those registry keys your installer changes. Please can you tell me which keys your installer changed because I really need to undo those changes. Than you!

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